Signature of an agreement between COPERES and ANER

On 7 September 2022, an event was held on the theme: Information and Awareness Workshop on the New Electricity Code of Senegal, in collaboration with ANER and the MEP.

An agreement was signed between COPERES and ANER aiming at setting up a general framework of collaboration between the two entities in view of the common shared objectives.

The partnership aims to pool the efforts of the parties and strengthen the national public-private dialogue to achieve the objectives.

Mr. Issa Dione, Director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Oil and Energy (MPE) Senegal officially opened the workshop.

Ms. Binta Awa Touré, Head of the Strategy Office at the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) Senegal made a presentation on the planning and management of the electricity sector.

At COPERES, we continue to work for the promotion of renewable energy in Senegal with the support of committed partners. Join us to create a strong and innovative local private sector for the development of renewable energy in Senegal.

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